Ethical Management

The Sustainable Development Committee is tasked by TASC as its competent unit for ethical management. The Committee reports to the Board of Directors and is responsible for the conduct and supervision of ethical management promotion, consulting services, as well as the submission and recording of reported content. A report must also be made to the Board of Directors on a regular basis (at least once a year).

he “Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information”, “Codes of Ethical Conduct for Directors and Managerial Officers”, “Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles”, and “Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct” have all been formulated by TASC and approved by the Board of Directors for the compliance of all employees.

Ethics Awareness

An internal awareness campaign is conducted every year by TASC to communicate the importance of ethics to all directors, managerial officers and employees. Education and training through classes, e-mail and signature-required pamphlets serve to enforce our ethical management policy and preempt unethical behavior; There has been no unethical conduct within the company to date and there are no variations from our company regulations in practice.

202411/20-11/27Anti-corruption and bribery11,145100%
202311/29-12/04Trade secret11,062100%
202211/17-11/30Prohibition against insider trading190797.46%
202112/06-12/14Procedures for handling the acceptance of improper benefits1941100%
202012/04-12/09Prohibition against insider trading11,04498.75%
201911/28-12/05Raising awareness on “Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles” and “Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct”11,25095.57%

Whistleblower Scheme

TASC encourages internal and external whistle-blowing on unethical or improper behavior. The whistleblower is also rewarded depending on the severity of the complaint. Company personnel that make untrue or malicious accusations will be disciplined or terminated in serious cases.

An independent whistleblower mailbox is listed on the TASC corporate website and intranet for the use of outside or company personnel. Whistleblower Mailbox


The directors, managerial officers, employees, and appointees of TASC as well as its affiliated enterprises and organizations all promise to adhere to our duty of integrity and loyalty, and declare that we shall comply strictly with the work rules and corporate regulations set forth by TASC as well as the government’s laws and regulations. I will carry out my duties on the principles of equality, honesty, trustworthiness, and transparency to actualize the ethics, integrity, and loyalty expected of an employee of TASC. I will actively prevent any breach of fiduciary duty and integrity, and refrain from illegal behavior; All employees have signed the “Employee Integrity Statement.”