TASC values the effective use and management of environmental resources as reliable water and electricity supplies are essential for productivity. Initiatives to strengthen energy conservation, carbon reduction, energy management, as well as environmental pollution prevention and control have been introduced in response to climate change. In addition to comply with regulatory requirements, effective energy-efficiency measures are also being adopted to reduce the waste of environmental resources and ensure sustainable development.
Environmental Management System
ISO 14001 and ISO 14064 certification have already been obtained by TASC. We not only comply with the relevant domestic laws on and client requirements on environmental protection but also work through our management systems to promote continuous improvement of business processes through the PDCA management model. At the same time, TASC practices due diligence on our environmental, safety, and health responsibilities to clients and business on environmental topics that attract external concern in order to build an environment for sustainable living.
Environmental protection and initiatives
(一)Raw Materials Management
Increasing severity of global warming and environmental pollution has led to growing international awareness on the importance of environmental protection. Client expectations on green products and product safety are only increasing steadily. TASC now requires product development to take compliance with HSF requirements into account when raw materials are being introduced and assessed during the R&D phase. Supplier partners for raw materials must comply with HSF requirements on a continuous basis as well to fulfill our joint commitment on maintaining environmental sustainability, protecting the health and safety of end-users, and reducing our corporate operating risks.
Control rules have been devised to manage the use of hazardous substances in products we produce in accordance with international environmental laws and to satisfy the environmental requirements of client products.
(二)Greenhouse Gases Inventory
Annual GHG inventories with external verification have been conducted by TASC since 2008. GHG emissions of our plants are inventories in accordance with the ISO 14064 standard. The inventory procedure and results are then verified by a verification body to obtain the GHG emission verification statement. Annual GHG emission volumes are disclosed in our CSR report.
(三) Air Pollution Prevention
Emissions produced by TASC production processes are collected for treatment by pollution control equipment to reduce the amount of pollutants that enter the atmosphere and ensure compliance with environmental laws on pollutant concentrations. Processing efficiency and continuous monitoring are therefore prioritized during the treatment of waste emissions.
TASC confirms the nature and volume of emissions, and researches the type of machines and equipment that will be used during the planning stage of production processes and before machines arrive at the factory. The air pollution control equipment is tailored to the type and characteristics of the pollutants to ensure effective treatment of waste emissions.
(四)Water Pollution Prevention
TASC discharges into the sewage system of Hsinchu Science Park and the primary purpose of our water pollution prevention measures is to reduce the direct discharge of pollutants into wastewater. Discharged wastewater is passed through wastewater treatment equipment to reduce the amount of pollutant and meet the science park’s water quality management standard.
Process wastewater is sorted by pollutant characteristics to improve overall efficiency. They are then treated by on-site treatment facilities and only discharged once they are lower than the internal alert limits that exceed regulatory requirements. In terms of water quality inspection, continuous monitoring facilities for water quality (pH value, fluoride salt, and ammonia) and volume are installed at key nodes and discharge tanks in the wastewater treatment process. These monitor and log changes in water quality and volume. An alert can be immediately triggered if there is a problem for action to be taken.
(五)Waste Management
Waste management at TASC follows the strategy of waster reduction and recycling. Waster reduction is achieved through source management measures that reduce the amount of waste generated. Annual waste statistics are compiled and disclosed by TASC in our CSR report. Due to the nature of the waste that our plants produce, recycling and reuse is our preferred method of waste treatment followed by physical chemistry and incineration. We are continuing to monitor emerging treatment technologies that improve the recovery rate and reduce the ratio of non-recyclable waste in order to reduce the environmental burden of waste processing.
Energy Management and Conservation Measures
(一)Meet energy saving goals
In response to the “Energy Conservation Target and Implementation Program for Energy Users” announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, TASC has rolled out a range of energy conservation solutions and improvements that reduce our carbon emissions through system adjustment and optimization. The annual electricity savings at our plants are compiled so that we can realize our energy conservation goals. The reduction goals and initiatives taken are presented in the CSR report as well.
(二)Water Recycling
Water recycling is practiced at TASC through a variety of water reclamation systems. The main types of water reclaimed and reused include rainwater, condensate, recovered process water, and reused reclaimed water. Plant statistics on water usage and resource efficiency are compiled and disclosed in the CSR report. Water resource management at TASC does not just comply with the reclamation standard of Hsinchu Science Park Administration. We also embrace the spirit of continuous improvement to become more environmentally friendly.